Bendix and the Military

Bendix Radio enjoyed a very close association with the Navy as early as the mid-1930s. Some of their equipment, like the DU-* series loop preselector for the RU receiver and their MT-11B telegraph key, was even redesignated with Navy nomenclature and used throughout the war. By the time the war came, the light gray wrinkle finished commercial aircraft gear was being specified as standard equipment for several Navy aircraft, without the usual re-nomenclaturing ceremony. The Signal Corps eventually adopted the MN-26 DF receiver for many of the USAAF aircraft as well, and of course the SCR-269 and its antecedents, and the AN/ARN-7 culmination of that line were also Bendix products.

Below are three of the more common pieces of radio communications equipment encountered in the surplus market:

RA-1B General Coverage Aircraft Receiver

TA-2J Aircraft Transmitter

TA-12-B Aircraft Transmitter

And finally another bit of related Bendix trivia - a curious detachable antenna terminal used on the TA-2J and other earlier equipment:

Bendix AE11089

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