I-84-B ARC-5 test set

After doing a significant amout of research trying to find any documentation on this test set, I have so far come up empty. Suggestions would be gratefully received.

I-84-B ARC-5 test set

It appears that this test meter filled a brief niche between the 7918 test set that had five separate meters, and the replacement I-104-A, both described here. It seems intended to be a plug'n'play version of the 7918 test set, but remains absent in any of the usual manuals of the period. I have one I found NIB, but it had no accompanying explanation sheet for either the meter scale or function of each of the five switch positions. I put together a table below like the one for the I-104-A that appears in the VHF ARC-5 manual, but tailored to the I-84-B and covering all the command receivers. Note that they are not identical to those for the I-104-A.

I-84-B ARC-5 test set functions and typical readings

Rear view of test meter

Rear view of test meter

Although I didn't take the time to trace out the test set circuit, I did notice that the calibration resistors are not the same as those in the I-104-A either. That's because the I-104-A has a meter that has a FS sensitivity of 50uA and an internal resistance of 2,200 ohms, vice the I-84-B's of 1mA and 150 ohms. For what it is worth, here are the five internal calibration resistance values:

0.015 ohms
7.9 ohms
50,000 ohms
200,000 ohms
500,000 ohms

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